Small Project C-PACE (PACE Express)

The Colorado PACE Express program is designed to give small projects in the C-PACE program an opportunity to take advantage of a streamlined process and lowered fees. The small project C-PACE model benefits projects that otherwise are not large enough to benefit from the C-PACE program structure. For example, projects with small finance amounts, single measure projects (e.g. solar panels only), or other simple multi-measure projects (e.g., solar panels and energy efficiency upgrades) may be eligible. 

More information about eligibility is available in the program application materials linked below. Please submit all small project C- PACE (PACE Express) applications via email to the District’s Recording Secretary at eric.cowan@state.co.us. You can also reach out to the Recording Secretary for more information about the program.

Access Fast PACE application materials

Please note:

  • The NEID requires an independent third party technical review of all approved PACE Express projects at the project owner’s expense. 
  • PACE Express projects are typically a single or simple multi-measure project with a  total financed amount of less than $500,000. 
  • Projects must meet the eligibility criteria defined in the C-PACE 2024 program guide.